
A place for thoughts & updates

I'm interested in

  • By Ashley Johnson

    May 12, 2024

    [AI Summary]: This morning, I received a surprise package from my Project Manager filled with goodies from Marks & Spencer. It was a heartfelt gesture of appreciation for my recent contributions to a project. The package included delicious treats like millionaire shortbread, coffee, chocolate flapjacks, and carrot cake. When my daughter saw the contents, she knew that lunch was on "daddy" that day. As my family enjoyed the treats, I felt grateful for the recognition from my team. This unexpected gift reminded me of the importance of feeling appreciated in a world where recognition can sometimes feel scarce.
  • By Ashley Johnson

    May 11, 2024

    All fun and games




    [AI Summary]: Tonight, I head to my office like usual to play games with my brothers. Being one of ten children, it's hard to find common ground due to the generation gap, but gaming has become our way of staying connected. I typically play Fortnite with my brothers, and even though I'm not the best, we manage to have fun and even secure a victory royale together. It's moments like these that help us bond despite our differences.
  • By Ashley Johnson

    May 11, 2024

    The power behind building a great team



    the three amigos

    [AI Summary]: In my two-decade journey as a backend developer, collaboration has been a constant force driving success. I've had the privilege of working with exceptional individuals like Alberto Rico and Anton Lukin, forming a trio known as the "Three Amigos." Alberto and I shared a harmonious working relationship, efficiently handling projects and brainstorming solutions together. Anton, a frontend developer with deep historical data knowledge, became a valuable ally, enhancing our projects with his expertise in ReactJS. Together, we exemplified the power of teamwork, communication, and knowledge sharing in the ever-evolving world of web development.
  • By Ashley Johnson

    May 11, 2024

    [AI Summary]: I decided to update my website after a long period of neglect, bringing back some much-needed positivity to my online presence. As a Laravel enthusiast, I eagerly embraced the release of Laravel 11 to enhance my website with improved functionality and performance. One essential addition I made was enabling reader comments to foster better engagement and communication with my audience. Revitalizing my website was not just a technical endeavor; it provided a creative outlet and stress-reliever for me.